Things are constantly changing in your life. Fr that reason, you may need to take the time to re-evaluate your will and overall estate plan every once in a while. This is particularly true at certain points in your life when circumstances may change. Below are four reasons you may want to consider making changes to your existing will:
Reason #1: You Get Hitched
Some people tend to think that once they get married that their spouse will automatically become their heir and inherit everything they own when they die.
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It's very common to hear that the party you're suing in a wrongful death case wants to offer a settlement, and sometimes it can be tempting to take it immediately -- or refuse it with a few choice words. When you hear about the offer, it's best to let it sit for a bit while you process everything and talk to your attorney. Accepting a settlement can be the right thing to do in many cases, but you must know what you're getting into.
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Adultery makes a good ground for divorce – if you can prove it. Unfortunately, proving adultery isn't an easy thing; in fact, it is one of the common reasons some people opt to file for no-fault divorce even when adultery is their actual reason for seeking a divorce. Here are the two major ways of proving adultery during divorce:
Direct Evidence
This is the best evidence you can have if you are accusing your partner of cheating on you.
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If you have been named executor, or heir of an estate, you may find yourself with the legal responsibility of bringing the estate to closure through the probate process. If the estate meets certain criteria, most states have a streamlined approach through which the probate process can be settled, although the exact criterion varies from state to state. This is usually referred to as "summary administration." Unfortunately, in most states there are certain situations which will not qualify for this disposition.
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If you're facing the end of a meaningful relationship in your life, you might be under a great deal of stress. The idea of compounding that stress by facing threats to your relationship with your children may be difficult to contemplate, but it's important that you fight the urge to be overwhelmed.
Being overwhelmed may mean that you can't respond properly to the situation and could put you at risk of losing one of the most important things in your life.
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